Medical Services

Take a look through our medical services.


Striving To Cover All Your Medical Needs


Drip Therapy

Drip Therapy EVERY DAY FROM 8 AM – 4 PM These are commonly called ‘jet fuel’ drips, and for good reason. They give you and your immune system just the boost it needs to give you the upper edge. The difference between our intravenous therapy [...]


Collagen Therapy

Collagen Therapy EVERY DAY FROM 8 AM – 4 PM These injections into and around tendons have the benefit of increased ability to heal, decreased healing time, and decreased re-injury rate. By injecting autologous stem cells into and around the tendon, the body can regrow [...]


Annual Check Up

Annual Medicals Appointments Life is a journey. Your body! Your health! Your journey through life! Before embarking on a road trip it’s necessary to have your vehicle serviced to prevent a breakdown. Our bodies deserve greater attention than our vehicles! So we designed our [...]


Wound Care

Wound Care EVERY DAY FROM 8 AM – 4 PM The purpose of wound care is to help you heal faster so you can get back to your life. A chronic wound can detract from your quality of life and prevent you from doing [...]


Integrative Medicine

Integrative Medicine EVERY DAY FROM 8 AM – 4 PM Integrative medicine focuses on your well-being and considers all aspects of your health: physical, emotional, mental, social, spiritual, and environmental. It draws on whatever medical approaches – traditional or alternative – will serve you best. [...]


Physio Therapy & Sports Medicine

Physio Therapy TUESDAY & THURSDAY MORNINGS With multiple experienced athletes on our team who understand both the physiology and psychology of sports, we are able to offer a holistic approach to sports medicine. We work in conjunction with our local physiotherapists Sumeshen Moodley, dieticians, chiropractors, [...]

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