COVID-19: A Message From Dr. Ryall Hamlyn


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* Please note that this blog article is my thoughts based on the current information at hand on the date of 24th March 2020.

Hi to all my South African mates, my contacts, my international friends, my loyal patients, my health colleagues, and all our global health citizens.


There is so much fear right now about this COVID-19 pandemic. It is mostly due to ignorance and lack of accurate information. What about you? At one stage of the pandemic, the WHO correctly stated ‘test, test, and test’. This was perhaps a knee-jerk response that created fear, hopelessness and the consequential isolation of communities, and the collapse of the Western economies. We South African health care practitioners will say ‘educate, educate and educate, which creates hope, faith, and unity.

Am I afraid?….No I am not afraid…concerned, yes, but I am not fearful…


Well firstly as many of you know, I have been blessed to have a professional medical degree, and have been practicing in Ballito as a family GP for 30 years. I have therefore also personally treated thousands of patients over about 30 annual flu seasons, including the 2009 /2010 swine flu pandemic. (see statistics below.) And in 30 years of close patient exposure, I have never been sick with ‘FLU! But we actually don’t know about this little beast and how it is behaving. So imagine the number of calls and SMS and emails I have received about this virus.

So what is my strategy as a medical warrior on the front line of the battlefield against COVID-19? I have chosen to post information to assist my own patients and friends that are helpful, positive, factual, and resourceful to unite us with confidence and offer solutions and strategies to win the war on COVID-19. Why not join in and let us unite in battle?

There is a much bigger battle behind this Coronavirus, which should not threaten us. Let us expose the real enemy and join forces (even if we are not allowed to join hands physically.) Interesting times where humanity is either alone and separated, and disconnected, or at home united and connected through love tech and spreading the word. The truth. There is so much fake news spread through the lies and gossip of social media and I do question where the media gets its’ information from. But there is also a lot of very accurate helpful information and resources. Let us offer solutions and positive strategies. Let us pledge to expose untruths, and bring to light any unethical practices, past and present.

We South African doctors are known the world over as being proud of the standard of excellence in our healthcare services, despite its many challenges. We are a bold resilient people and are a God-fearing nation. We have learned from painful mistakes and we have suffered and paid the price for foolish decisions. But we remain street-wise, practical, innovative, and solution-driven.

We do not forget our many victories and the promise of our father Nelson Mandela: “I dream of an Africa which is in peace with itself.”

I took an oath as a medical professional to be a responsible global health citizen, and I am a proudly South African Doctor. My obligation is for us physicians/healthcare scientists, to share medical knowledge for the benefit of all of our patients, fellow global citizens, and the advancement of healthcare. Also added is my requirement as a physician, to attend to my own health, well-being, and abilities in order to provide care of the highest standard. And for that reason, as you commit to joining me as an individual or a group, we have already won the war.


  • COVID-19 updates can be found on
  • Firstly we give thanks to the WHO and the health leaders and ambassadors around the globe who have reacted swiftly and successfully in keeping the entire number of COVID-19 cases less than 305 000 (on 22 March 2020) with less than 13 000 deaths.
  • 95% OF COVID-19 cases are mild and recover fully. Only 5% are serious.
  • Swine flu HIN109 Stats worldwide 2009; 700 million cases out of a global population of 6.8billion. Deaths estimated at approx. 500 000 people. There is a big difference. In 2010 social media was not so influential. Also, it is presented differently.
  • So why all the fuss if it is so mild and so few cases? I cannot explain. Either the world has done a fantastic job in controlling it and so thanks once again, or the media has a lot to blame for blowing it out of proportion. Or maybe it will still spread much further. And many more will become infected, even mildly so. Although few so far, there is a higher percentage of mortality in older or frail people. Only God knows.


  • Use common sense and educate yourself with accurate, reliable resources.

  • Educate yourself on how the virus present.

  • I am posting a trusted FAQ article. This is from the HPCSA and NICD.

  • At the entrance to my practice is a notice. Please read it.

  • Please consider that there are many people also wanting attention at the same time. Do not overwhelm your healthcare resources. Consider others before yourself.

  • FEAR is not necessary. Fear also weakens your immune system. Fear will also increase your likelihood of contracting the virus.

  • Our health care services wish to reserve testing only for necessary cases. Demanding to have a test without reason is disrespectful and will not be tolerated.

  • Practice responsible health stewardship. Protect yourself and others in your community. Let South Africa not lose a single life from this virus.

  • Consider the poor and immune-compromised before yourself.


  • Telephone or email reception. My details are on the website

  • You should be asked if it is a COVID-19-related query. If it is, you will be offered a telephone consultation at the next available slot. Telephone consultations are charged for a limited of 5 minutes if possible.

  • If it is not a Coronavirus related consultation, and you do not have symptoms, you will be offered an appointment in the doctor’s consulting room. If you ignore this rule, you place others including medical staff at risk of exposure.

  • If you visit the Doctors for other medical conditions, please make sure you have no COVID-19 symptoms.


  • On returning from international travel, especially in high-risk areas, please self-isolate for 5 days. (My suggestion.)
  • Follow instructions on personal and home-based infection control.
  • If you do get symptoms of the virus then book a telephone consultation with your GP.
  • If you do not have symptoms after 5 days, then still book a telephone consultation with your GP to discuss health education and your responsibility towards getting back into your community.
  • If any travel companions have tested positive, which have been CONFIRMED in a laboratory, then book a telephone consultation with your GP.
  • Please use logic before making any international travel plans.


  • If you have been in close contact of fewer than 3m with a person who has tested positive for COVID-19 confirmed in a laboratory, isolate yourself voluntarily and book a telephone consultation with your GP who will inform you how to go about being tested.
  • Members of the same household with close contact 3m of a confirmed positive COVID- 19 person, must also self-isolate for up to 5 days and then book a telephone consultation with their GP.
  • If any coronavirus symptoms develop during isolation, please book a GP telephone consultation.
  • Even if you develop flu-like symptoms during this coronavirus pandemic, and are unsure of contact with a positive case, then you must still book a telephone consultation with your GP who will decide on how to manage you.
  • Doctors do not want to manage Coronavirus cases in their practices. We want to protect our other patients from exposure.


  • COVID-19 infection has shown to be a mild flu-like condition. These can include a fever over 37.8 degrees Celsius, sore throat, cough, wheeze or shortness of breath, body aches, and maybe diarrhea.

  • Most infected persons are not very sick at all and will recover with enough bed rest, fluids, good nutrition, and self-monitoring in isolation.

  • The best place to recover from COVID-19 is in your own home. You will be free from the virus after 14 days from the onset and no longer be contagious.

  • If you become severely sick with pneumonia-like symptoms, then your GP will arrange a consultation in isolation and offer appropriate management. Only very sick persons will be admitted to certain regional hospitals.

  • Your GP will inform you where to test and about completing forms.

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